Wednesday, January 30, 2008

What a big boy!

Our little baby boy just keeps growing up! This was a big week for Zachary. On Sunday, we took a family trip to the mall. Mimi (my mom) met us there. She bought Zach his first pair of walking shoes :) He is not officailly walking but he is taking steps all the time. He can take about ten at the most, then he usually falls and claps. He has also gotten into the habit of walking towards us then diving into our laps when he gets close enough. It is quite adorable! The walking shoes are a bit much for Zach right now, as they are quite heavy for his little feet. We are going to work on being a confident walker before wearing them everyday.

Our next big news is that I gave Zach his first haircut. We were going to take him to get it done but I figured I would give it a try. I have to say that I did a very good job. He was so good. I fed him Ritz crackers and he just sat really still, as if he knew I had a sharp object extremely close to his face. He looks like a little boy now-not a baby. SO CUTE!!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Just Because...

We do not have anything new and exciting to report. I had to post these pictures of Zach and Quan just because they are so darn cute together! We hung out at the Baran's house on Saturday and had lunch together while our boys played. We have become close with them and feel very lucky to have met them through the adoptions of our boys. We truly hope our boys will be friends forever. They are fortunate to have each other-as they have been together since birth!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Happy New Year!

Well, we know it's been awhile since we've last posted.... the last five months with Zachary have been amazing!!! He is a bundle of joy and we love him more than even we could have imagined. He turned 11 months old a couple of days ago, and will be a big 1-year old in less than a month (2/13/08)!! Zachary is a happy boy with lots of energy and a chill personality. He is a confident crawler, moving around like a champ! He is close to walking, as he can stand by himself and is working on taking steps. He is very proud of this accomplishment and usually ends up falling down because he gets so excited :) Zachary has two little bottom teeth. We are waiting for the top two to pop out. We have posted some pictures above, and here is a link to all the videos we have uploaded, including a couple of new ones since the new year:

Hope everyone is doing great!!!