Monday, February 16, 2009

Zachary's TWO!!

Well, it's official. Zach turned two on Friday. What a big boy! We had a pretty chill day. Did some errands, went out for pizza with Dadda, took a nap, opened some presents, talked on the phone with lots of people, ate a yummy dinner with Mimi and Grumpa, sang Happy Birthday, ate some cake & ice cream and went to bed. When I asked Zach what he wanted for his birthday, he said: "cake!" I asked what else and he said, "ice cream!" It was pretty funny. He also said: "Hap Birday" often throughout the day. Overall, it was a perfect two year old birthday for our perfect two year old boy.

Happy Birthday, Zach! We love you!


Monday, February 9, 2009

Zach and Quan celebrate turning two!!

Quan turned two on February 3rd and Zach turns two this Friday. We celebrated twice with our good friends, the Barans. On Monday, Zach and I went to the Children's museum in Boston with Lisa and Quan. We had a blast! The boys exlpored each room of the museum with huge smiles on their little faces and a look of amazement in their eyes. Their favorites were the bubble room, the ball room, the water room and a playroom filled with fun activities. Zach and Quan worked so hard having fun all morning that they were each asleep within minutes of getting into the car :)

Yesterday, we celebrated with the daddies. We all went out for a yummy lunch of Vietnamese food and back to the Baran's house for cake, ice cream and presents. Again, we had a blast! The boys just love being together and they continue to be so cute with each other. Zach calls Quan: "Quack Quack." And now he can say: "Quack Quack Baran." It's pretty funny.

We just love the Barans and are so fortunate to have them as our friends.

Quan in the ball room...

Exploring the bubbles...WOW...In the playroom...Playing with the water (they both got soaked)...
Sleepy Zach...

Sleepy Quan...
Groovin' with Quan's new piano...
Getting ready for cake...

Party time...
Cake, yum...
Presents! Lisa and I bought the boys the same gift without knowing...