Monday, May 3, 2010

Out and About

We've been keeping busy lately. Zach loves going special places and Tyler is at a great age where he just hangs out in his stroller no matter where we are. Both boys love being out and about. We've gone to the zoo a few times, the playground and we also visited the Boston Aquarium. Zach loved being in the city. He enjoyed looking at all of the big buildings. He also loves going on the highway, through tunnels and over bridges. Every time we get into the car, he asks: "Are we going on the highway?" We have to take him on the train soon. He'll LOVE that!

In the big city...Waiting to go into the aquarium...

Both boys checking out the penguins...

At the zoo with Quan...Climbing a tree...At the zoo with Mimi...Getting soaked in a fountain...With Mama at the zoo...SO happy...