Friday, March 19, 2010

6 months and 5 days

Today, Tyler is the exact same age (6 months and 5 days) that Zachary was when we met him in Vietnam. To honor this day, Tyler is wearing the same outfit Zach wore on that special day :)

Monday, March 15, 2010

A Little About Tyler Cole

Tyler turned 6 months old yesterday. What a big boy! In four short days, Tyler will be the same age that Zachary was when we picked him up in Vietnam. Tyler is doing very well these days. Since the day he turned 5 months old, he has been a different baby. He is happy most of the time. Full of smiles, laughs and many different sounds. He doesn't seem as strong as Zachary was at this age but I think that is because he was held for the first 5 months of his life. We had to do something to keep him happy :0) Tyler is just starting to sit on his own, although he usually falls forward. He has never been a big fan of being on his tummy, so he only gets short tummy times throughout the day. He does love to play with his toys. And he puts everything in his mouth! He rolls over from his back to his belly but not from his belly to his back yet. Tyler's most favorite person in the world is his big brother! Tyler can watch Zachary run around and play all day. He smiles and laughs at Zach all the time. He also pulls Zach in close to him and tries to eat various parts of his face. Of course, Zach enjoys every second of it! Tyler has never been a great sleeper, although he is getting much better. He spent the first 5 and a half months of his life sleeping either in the bouncy seat or the swing in our bedroom. Now, he is in his room in the crib and I am working on sleep training him. He sleeps flat on his back and barely moves for hours. He will do 6 to 7 hours, eat, then 3 or 4 more hours. MUCH better than the every two hours he was doing! And he takes two 2 to 3 hour naps each day. His sleep seems to change a lot so hopefully this nap schedule will stick around for a while! Tyler probably weighs close to 16 pounds. He's not huge, which I like because neither is Zachary. He fits in 6-12 month clothes and is now wearing hand me downs from his big brother. It is so cute seeing Tyler in some of Zachary's old clothes! Tyler it still breastfeeding. He does get one bottle of hypoallergenic formula before bed at night. Mostly because he is so sensitive to what I eat and if he has too much gas, it wakes him up. We also recently started solids. I made him quinoa cereal which he really likes and it is super healthy for him. He has also tried avocado and sweet potato. I am adding a new food every three days or so. I am going to try to make all of his baby food. He has such a sensitive stomach, so I think it will be better for him. I make a bunch and freeze it in ice cube trays. It works out well. It's so much healthier, less processed and less expensive. Zach usually tries it all, too :)

Well, that's our little man in a nutshell. Here are some recent shots...
Sitting up...Hanging with Zach...With Mommy, wearing a hand me down outfit...Playing in the crib with Zach...

Daddy's first time feeding Tyler...Cute, avocado face baby...