Friday, August 29, 2008

Random Cuteness...

Celebrating Zach Day with fresh strawberries and homemade whipped cream...
Visiting Dada's office on his birthday...
At the beach...
With Quan...
Digging in the sand...

Where's the rest of Quan?
Reading books in the book basket...Picking peaches...Digging in...YUM...
With Mama in the orchard...

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


One year ago today, on August 19, 2007, our son was placed in our arms in BaVi Vietnam. The last year has been amazing for all of us. We have watched Zachary grow from a tiny baby who could barely sit up to a baby who could crawl around like a champ to a toddler who walks, runs, climbs and talks. We have also watched ourselves grow from cautious, new parents of a baby to confident, proud parents of a sweet little boy. A day does not go by without us thanking our lucky stars for bringing Zachary into our lives. I wake up each morning, looking forward to hearing his sweet voice over the monitor. I know I have said this before and I will probably say it again many times but I am honored to be Zachary's mama. I get to spend every day with my son. For that, I am forever grateful!

We love you so much, Zachary Chien. Thank you for bringing so much happiness and joy into our lives.

August 2007 September 2007 October 2007November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008March 2008April 2008 May 2008
June 2009July 2008
August 2008

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Our 18 month old boy...

Zachary turned 18 months old on the 13th. I can't even believe that he is a year and a half. In six short months he will be TWO! It all goes by way too fast.

We had Zachary's 18 month appointment on Friday. He weighs a whopping 20 pounds 10 ounces. He's been moving along nicely on the 2% growth curve for weight :) He is 31 inches tall which puts him on the 15% growth curve for height. His head is always his biggest measurement. He's on the 50% growth curve for head circumference--a lot of brain up there. Our pediatrician is always impressed with Zachary's development. She says he's always been a little ahead. We, of course, think he's perfect in every way!

Zachary has been talking a lot lately, with new words emerging often. It's so fun to hear what comes out of his mouth. I'm not looking forward to the day when we hear a bad word in his sweet little voice. He hears them often enough with us as his parents :) It's bound to happen sooner or later.

Zachary is becoming more of a climber these days. We've always been able to leave him in the family room for a short amount of time, knowing that he is safe. Not anymore. This is what I saw upon my return from a quick trip to the bathroom...

Of course, I had to get my camera before telling him that it's not OK to climb on the table. Perhaps I am sending him mixed messages?

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Our First Family Vacation

We loaded up the car and headed north for our first ever family vacation. We spent a few days in the White Mountains. We stayed at Brian and Mary's condo in Waterville Valley and took day trips to Storyland and North Conway. All in New Hampshire. Zachary was a wonderful traveler. He was up for anything. Whether we were out for a walk, at a playground, hiking, eating, shopping, staying inside because it was raining or at Storyland he was just happy being him. We had so much fun with Zachary. He's at a great age where all he wants to do is explore his surroundings. He loves being outside, so his explorations usually include sand, rocks, sticks, water, leaves and mud. They all tend to end up in his mouth sooner or later.

We knew Zachary wouldn't get much 'out' of going to Storyland but we thought it would be fun anyway. He liked being outside with a lot of action all around. He also went on a few rides which he seemed to enjoy.

I took my fair share of pictures, as usual. Here are some good ones...

Sweet face...
Walking to the water with Dadda in Waterville Valley... In the ball pit at Storyland...On the carousel...Little Miss Muffet...In a shoe...In a puddle...Chillin...The whole gang...
Rock climbing boy...