Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Finally some sun

The summer is finally here and we are happy to be enjoying the sunshine on most days. We've been keeping busy going to the zoo, the pool and the beach among other things. And we're always hanging out with friends and family.

Zachary is turning into more of a big boy each day. He cracks us up all the time with the things he says. He talks non-stop. And asks a lot of questions. We have not gotten to the "why" stage yet but I'm sure it's coming. Some common things he says...

*"What's Mommy (Daddy, Sophie, Reba, etc) doing?"

*"Where are we going?"

*"What's that song (or house, or boy, or truck, etc) about?"

*"Daddy (or Mommy) be so proud of me."

*"What's that?"

*"Want a drink (or a snack, or some food, or a show)"

*"Watch this Alyssa..." Followed by some kind of trick like running fast or jumping or spinning. He heard the kids I took care of say the same thing, which is why he calls me Alyssa when he says it :)

I've taught him to say "Good morning, Mommy" when he wakes up in the morning. As soon as I would step into his room, he would say "Want sumpin to eat." Now, he's much more polite. Although, that request comes quickly after our good mornings.

Recently, he said the funniest thing when I went to get him out of his crib. His police car was on the shelf next to his crib. He said..."Why'd Daddy take my police car away. That's Zachary Chien's police car!" He said it with such a little attitude and his little hands on his hips. I laughed a lot. It's the funniest thing he's ever said. I assume he had been thinking about it for a while because he said it as soon as I walked in. I guess Chad took the police car away before putting Zach into his crib the night before. How dare him! After he said it, he did say "Good morning Mommy" so, that was good :)

We are off to the Cape for all of next week. We are renting a house with Lisa, Shaun and Quan. And Zach's Aunt Sarah and Uncle Adam will be in the next town over, so that will be fun! I am hoping for good weather!

Here are some recent pictures of the fun we've been having...

At the beach with friends... Swimming with Aunt Sarah at the pool... Swimming with Uncle Adam at the pool...Looking cute...Riding on a train at the zoo with Mimi...Playing with bubbles with Grumpa...Smiling for the camera at the zoo with Quan...Looking at the big bear with Quan...Zach and the jaguar...On a train ride all alone like a big boy...

Eating some lunch with Quan...

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

"No anuvum rainy day, pease."

Translation...No another rainy day, please.

It's been raining off and on (mostly on) here for weeks. It's getting old. We've been trying to keep busy doing fun things inside but we are running out of options. We are ready to go to the pool everyday. We are ready for the summer heat. Today, Zachary was looking out the sliding door, watching the rain. That's when he said: "No anuvum rainy day, pease." Although we've been keeping busy inside, clearly he is also sick of the rain.

Ways to keep busy in the rain...

Bake cookies...
Help mommy with the dishes...Climb, jump, slide at a super fun indoor play place...Play outside in the pool in the rain. You get wet anyway, right...

Play at another, equally as fun, indoor play place...Finger paint...Read books in the tent...Play in the puddles...