Sunday, April 12, 2009

Long time, no post!

I can't believe it's been so long since I have posted. I am not really cut out for this whole blogging thing. But, I do my best (sort of) so someday Zach can read about what was happening in his life when he was two :)

Zachary is such a two year old now. He talks non-stop, in 4-5 word sentences. He is very polite and tends to use his 'polite words' in context almost every time. He says things like, "Watch 'Go Go' please, No thank you, Excuse me please, Read books please, Wipe boogers please." All very sweet! Zach's new favorite things to play with are cars and trucks. He can play by himself for a long time, lining up his cars, driving them on the floors or tables, or just moving them from couch to couch. Zach is also into his temper tantrums. It's just about the cutest thing you will ever see. They usually have to do with food or watching tv. He'll whine or cry and throw himself on the floor. Very dramatic. They usually only last a few seconds, which is probably why they are still so cute! Zach LOVES to be outside. It doesn't matter if he is at the park or in the backyard, he just wants to spend as much time as possible outside! He really loves the park. He pretty much goes off by himself and climbs, slides, runs and digs in the sand box. Zach is a big sandbox fan. The other day, he found a small pile of sand outside. He sat next to it and drove his car in and out of the sand for at least thirty minutes. It started to rain, so I told him we had to go inside. He said: "Play in sandbox, please." Clearly, the boy needs a sandbox. Zach also still loves to eat. I think he eats more than me on some days. For example, last night for dinner Zach had pasta, ham, avocado and strawberries. He had a frozen fruit pop for dessert. About an hour later, we got take out from a Thai place. For dinner number two Zach ate pad thai, brown rice and chicken. And not just a taste of each, a whole meal. Crazy! AND, he's still the skinniest two year old you'd ever see! Zach also enjoys singing. He usually sings bits of songs here and there. But the other day, he sang a whole song! He sang "Rain Rain Go Away" from start to finish all by himself. It was pretty cute!

Here are some recent-ish pics of our little man...
Hanging with Reba...
Drinking some hot chocolate...
Watching "Pirate Go Go"...

Sitting like a big boy....Climbing up a net in an indoor playplace...He made it...Playing the piano with Quan...Hanging outside...Bubble bath...With his friends from Vietnam...