Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A very special day!

Today was a special day for both of our boys. We celebrated ONE year with Tyler Cole and Zach started another year of school. Both boys were in great moods all day. We woke up early, ate breakfast, then got ready for school. Zach had a great time in his new classroom. They get phased in, so he was only there for one hour today. It was like a tease for the kids and parents :) He can't wait to go back! After school, Tyler napped while Zach and I played outside. We also baked Tyler a carrot cake. Mimi and Grumpa came over for a little bbq, cake and presents. It was a great first birthday for our big boy! I love his face in this shot...Tyler didn't dig into his cake like his big brother did when he turned one. He took little bites but did seem to enjoy it.I can't believe he is one. We had a rocky start but we all made it. Tyler started off as an unhappy baby but has become a sweet, loving, funny, busy one year old. We wouldn't change a thing about him. We love you so much Tyler Cole! Happy Birthday big boy.