Thursday, September 25, 2008

It's Official--Again!

We finalized Zachary's adoption today in the state of Massachusetts. We woke up early, got all dressed up and headed out to the court. Zachary was a champ while we waited for the judge. He ran around the lobby, made some friends, looked out the window, requested crackers and climbed the stairs many times. When our turn came, we were invited into the judges chambers. The judge was a sweet woman who enjoyed having Zachary in her office. She held him while he played with her keyboard. All he could say was..."BUTTONS." He was in all is glory. She asked us a few questions. We signed something. She did too. Then, we were done. Zachary will get a new birth certificate with us as his parents and Zachary Chien as his name :)

Getting ready for the big day...He loves to use Mama's toothbrush...Walking to court with Dadda...
Waiting like a big boy...Two peas in a pod...With the judge...YIPPEE!!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Zach's new kicks...

Clearly I don't have anything very exciting to post about. Instead, the big news is that I got Zachary new sneakers today. I cannot get over how cute they are. He seems to dig them, too.