Monday, October 20, 2008

Two Words!

Zachary just started putting two words together. He says: "Mama car," "Dadda car," "Mama shoe" and "Dadda milk" when referring to those things. Today he felt his bowl of oatmeal and said: "bowl, hot."

What a big boy!

Friday, October 17, 2008

A boy and his dogs

Yeah, Sophie was in his crib...
Reba was most likely trying to hide in the laundry basket. Good try...

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Weekend Away

We spent our first weekend away from Zachary. We had a wedding and decided to make a weekend out of it with friends. We had a blast! Zachary spent the weekend with Mimi and Grumpa. ( "MeMe" and "Bumpa"). He also had a blast! We missed him but it was good to get away. I think Zach felt the same way. He seemed glad to see us when we got home, but was happy as could be with my parents.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A little about Zachary Chien

A year after we came home with Zachary, I had his blog made into a book. I decided that as long as I keep this blog, every year on Zach Day, I am going to have it printed and give it to him as a gift. This blog has always been a journal of what goes on in the life of Zachary Chien. Since I am obsessed with taking pictures of Zachary, I print out most of the pictures posted on here (and then some). He is eventually going to have all of those pictures, so I have to write more about Zachary and not just post pictures. With that said, here's a (long) update on our little boy...

Zachary has been so much fun lately. He's at a great age. He awakes in the morning and usually talks in his crib until we get him. Zachary has a lot to say. He has many words that are easy to understand as well as many incoherent ones. Some of his favorites include: Elmo, Uh Oh, yes, binky, door, apple, truck, up & cracker, among others. He is also fond of animal sounds. He doesn't identify animals with what they are. To Zachary, they are what they say.
Zachary has been eating out of control amounts of food lately. I feel like he is always asking for food. The minute we get into the car, the kitchen, or the grocery store, I hear "cracker, cracker" or "bar, bar" or "booty." He doesn't give up, either. I try to offer him only healthy food. It isn't always easy or even possible for him to eat healthy all the time. But I try. He is a huge fruit eater, does well with veggies , enjoys wheat pasta and loves his yogurt. He's not a huge protein guy.

Zach still has eight teeth. He's had eight teeth for a while now. He has one molar coming in, finally. He's always done well with teething. I don't think it bothers him. We didn't even know he had a molar until I actually looked while brushing his teeth.

I started nannying again and Zachary loves every second of it. I take care of two boys. One is Zach's age and the other is four. Zach and the other 19 month old have a good time together. Most of the time, they play alongside each other but during the brief times throughout the day when they do interact, it is quite adorable. Today they were standing at the gate, shaking it and laughing their little heads off. They thought they were so funny. We try to keep busy. We often go to the park or a nice, nearby farm. The boys have a blast wherever we go. Zachary is becoming an avid climber. At the park he climbs up ladders, stairs, cargo nets and slides. At home he climbs on chairs, tables and couches. We can no longer leave him unattended for even a short amount of time because chances are good he's on a table somewhere.
Zachary is learning to be more gentle with Sophie and Reba. He has been hugging and kissing them, rather than poking their eyes or trying to sit on them. He calls Reba "baba" and Sophie "uff uff." I think that's because Sophie barks A LOT! He even helps me feed them. The family I work for has a cat. Zachary also enjoys the cat. He follows it around saying "meow." He gives it hugs and kisses as well. I am not a cat person and I do think that one of these days it is going to somehow hurt my small child. Until then, I let him play with the cat.

Recently, Zachary has taken an interest in Elmo. We don't even know how he knows who Elmo is because he doesn't watch Sesame Street. But one day while I was working, he brought me a book with the big, red, furry monster on the cover and said "Elmo." He's been a big fan ever since. We put an Elmo show on the TV for him and he kept trying to touch him on the screen while saying "Elmo." I also bought him a little Elmo doll who he sleeps with, hugs and carries around. Elmo is Zachary's new friend. Zachary continues to be a happy boy. He is a toddler, though. So, he does do his fair share of whining, crying and complaining. It is usually short lived. And he's not a big temper tantrum boy. For the most part, he is just happy and so much fun to be around.