Thursday, July 31, 2008

More Sunny Days

At the pool with Quan...
Sharing snacks...
Playing in the pool...

Celebrating the lifeguards with cake. A good day to be at the pool!

Having a pop in the backyard...So yummy...Popsicle face...Sophie looking cute...Reba looking cute...

Monday, July 28, 2008

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

A Few Fun Days

It's been a while since I have updated. We've been busy having fun. My mother had almost a week off, so we had to help keep her busy. We were going to go away for a few days but the weather didn't look nice. Instead, we took a couple of day trips. We went to Rockport one day and the Roger William's Park Zoo on another day. We also spent a few evenings going out for dinner. Zachary enjoyed it all. We tried to plan the day trips around his nap, so he could sleep in the car on both days. It worked out well. Not the best nap environment, but he did not seem to mind. Mama just didn't get the three hour break that usually comes with naps at home :)
Zachary loves to be free in public. He just walks around like he's big, saying hi to many of the people he sees, making friends whenever he can. He is quite adventurous. If it were up to him, he would walk free of my hand and explore the world around him with no boundaries. Except, of course, when he gets tired and says "up up."
Here are my shots from the past few days...

In Rockport, checking out the boats...

With Mama...
We didn't go past this point. My mom wouldn't let me...Checking out the water, or "wawa" as Zach says...On a frog at the zoo...

Hello friends...Checking out the butterflies at the butterfly exhibit...With Mimi...Mama pointing out the beautiful butterflies...Zach got scared when the big ones came too close to his face...Looking at the seals...The elephants were so close...Trying to get a better look...Sitting on a dog. Zach quite enjoyed this guy...Finishing the day with some ice cream...

It doesn't get much better than this!!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Summer Fun!

Floating in the pool...Playing with cups at the pool...In a time out for eating rocks...Playing at Quan's house on July 4th...BFF...Eating corn on the cob for the first time...
YUM... Flying to lunch with Monica and Mark...

Eating outside in Nashua...
BIG smile for the camera...
With Dadda...
With Mama...

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

One year ago today...

We found out that we had a son! Our lives have never been the same.

Zachary got all dressed up to celebrate...

Rocking out to the Backyardigans...

This is Zachary's favorite song from our Backyardigans CD. He asks for it by saying "GO, GO."