Friday, June 27, 2008

More fun at the farm!

Zach, Mimi and I met Quan and Lisa at a Farm the other day. We spent hours there and had a blast! Zach and Quan continue to be SO cute together. When one boy does something, the other is not far behind. For example, at one point Zach decided to take his hat off. When Quan saw this, he also took his hat off. They both ran away from us as we were telling them to put their hats back on. TROUBLE! They still like to play chase, just like in Florida. One boy will touch the other then run in the opposite direction, as if to say "come and get me!" Half the time only one of them is playing and there is no chasing going on at all. They are clueless to this and usually keep on running and laughing as if they are being chased. Too funny! Quan is such a little cutie and the two of them together is a whole lot of cuteness!

Hats on...
Hats off...Zach feeding the goats...No fear!Quan feeding the goat...At one point Zach started feeding Quan :)Two cute boys!!Zach had a pony ride...

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Farm Fun

We went to a farm today. Zach had a blast playing on the playground, feeding the goats, eating a homemade doughnut and strawberry picking. He was asleep within minutes of getting into the car. He napped for three and a half hours. LOVE that!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Busy Boy

Zachary had a busy weekend filled with family fun. His Dadda took him to Gymboree on Saturday morning which he LOVES! The cutest part is at the end of the class, he gets two Gymbo stamps. One on each hand. When he gets home, I ask him to show me where Gymbo is and he shows me his stamps. Too cute! After his nap Zachary got to visit with his Grandma Ros and Rick. They had a fun time playing with toys, splashing in the water table outside and eating a yummy dinner. Mama got to have an afternoon filled with alone time. Ahhh, so nice! I got a lot done without baby in tow. Sunday was Father's Day and Zachary couldn't have been happier to hang out with his Dadda all day. Mimi and Grumpa came over in the afternoon to play and have dinner. Monday was our day of rest. Zachary played all morning, took a three hour nap and played all afternoon. We went to 'school' today. He just loves it there. He doesn't stop the whole two hours. It's very fun! Now, he is running around with Sophie and Reba. He takes their toys and teases them until they chase him. He usually wipes out often because he gets so excited. He just fell quite hard. I expected a cry. Instead, he said "uh oh" and continued on his way. He's tough.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day, Dadda!

Why I have the best Dadda...

My Dadda plays with me a lot! We like to play ball together. My Dadda tickles me, too. I think that is so funny. We read books together. He uses funny voices and noises while he reads. My Dadda sings songs with me. I usually dance while he sings. Sometimes I laugh because Dadda sounds so funny when he sings. Don't tell him I said that because he thinks he sounds great :) My Dadda let's me watch TV with him. Sometimes we watch fun things like The Backyardigans or Baby Einstein. And sometimes we watch sports. My Dadda feeds me yummy food. He usually has to walk away while I eat because I spit my food out if he is looking. I can be a real stinker sometimes. My Dadda takes me in the big pool. We have so much fun together swimming and playing. He always dunks me at least once. Sometimes I cry, but I really do like it. My Dadda takes me to Gymboree on Saturdays. We have a blast! We climb, slide, dance, sing and play with my friends. My Dadda always makes my boo-boos feel better. He kisses them, gives me hugs and says that I am ok. He's always right about that. My Dadda puts me to bed every night. We read books together, say good night to the special things in my room and I fall asleep happily in my crib. My Dadda says that he's lucky to have me. I think I am the lucky one!!
I love you Dadda. You're the best!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Happy 16 Months, Zachary!!

Zachary is 16 months old today. He is turning into such a big boy before our eyes. It's hard to believe that he was once a little baby who didn't understand anything we said to him. Now, it seems like he knows a lot of what we say to him. We say: "Let's go brush your teeth." He heads right for the bathroom. We say: "Let's take Sophie and Reba outside." He heads right for the door. We say: "Time for bed." He heads right to the stairs. We say: "What does a cow say?" He says: "MMMMMM." He also know what a lion and a dog say. One of Zachary's newest 'tricks' is to put his hand up to his ear and say "Hello" when he hears a phone ringing. VERY CUTE! Zachary big kisses and hugs, dances A LOT, loves music, plays with his toys, brings us books to read with him, colors with markers and crayons, walks up the stairs with help, eats with a spoon and fork, drinks from a sippy cup during meals, drinks two bottles a day (still), sleeps for about ten hours at night (11 or 12 on a great night), takes one 2 to 3 hour nap each day, loves to be around other kids, loves the pool, loves Sophie and Reba, loves when his Dadda gets home from work, kicks a ball and gives toys to Sophie and Reba. He can say...mama, dadda, hi, all done, bye bye, yes, truck, hello, ball, babba, uh oh and book (all in his own way of course).

We continue to love every second with Zachary. He is such a good kid. I feel honored each day to be his mother.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Fun with Mimi and Grumpa

We had a fun weekend. Chad was away with the "boys" so I headed over to Mimi and Grumpa's with Sophie, Reba and Zach. We had fun playing with toys, relaxing, taking walks and playing in the pool. Zachary loves being with my parents and of course, they cannot get enough of him!

Enjoying the pool...

Sophie got to enjoy the pool, too!Blowing bubbles with Grumpa...With Mimi and Grumpa...Climbing into the pool after I thought we were done :)After a yummy ice cream sandwhich...

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Where's Dadda?

I think I heard a car.Sophie heard it too.Was that the door?
Is Dadda under there? Here he is!!